Is Marijuana A Depressant, Stimulant, Or Hallucinogen?

Is Weed A Depressant

45% of Americans have tried marijuana at least once. As cannabis legalization becomes increasingly widespread in the United States, it's more and more common for people to indulge in this natural remedy.

However, not everyone is fully familiar with the properties of marijuana and THC. The effects can be unique, and there can be some confusion as to whether cannabis can be considered a depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogen.

At a Glance

  • Cannabis is a naturally occurring substance that can be consumed in many different ways.
  • Many people report cannabis has depressant effects, but it can also act as a stimulant or hallucinogen.
  • The strain of cannabis you choose will most likely impact the effects that you feel.

Let’s dive in and discuss everything you need to know about the properties of marijuana.

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What is Cannabis?

Cannabis (also known as marijuana) is a leafy plant. This botanical contains many different compounds called cannabinoids, which include CBD and THC. THC is psychoactive and responsible for the "high" that’s associated with marijuana.

People consume cannabis in many different forms. From smoking cannabis to taking edibles, there are many options if you’re interested in this natural remedy.

While cannabis use is fairly common in the US, that doesn’t mean that it’s not a complex substance and one that raises some questions. One of those questions is whether cannabis will act as a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen when you take it.

The answer? Well, it’s more complicated than you may think.

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Substance Classifications

Have you ever heard of stimulants? Chances are that if you have, you’ve also heard of depressants.

These classifications can provide important information about a substance and the effects that you may experience if you take it.

Let’s dive into what these classifications mean and how they relate to marijuana.


Stimulants increase the functioning of bodily systems. Stimulants can be prescribed legally, like in the form of amphetamines, but they can also be abused illegally. Stimulant use should be taken very seriously, as misusing them can be very dangerous.

Stimulants come in various forms, including pills, powders, and injectable liquids. They may be habit-forming and should only be taken under the guidance of a doctor or medical professional, as they tend to be highly addictive.

Stimulants have energizing effects that can manifest in a variety of ways. It can increase alertness or give an energy boost.


We’ve gone over stimulants, so now it’s time to discuss the opposite: depressants.

Stimulants speed up the body, while depressants slow it down. Depressant drugs work by slowing down the central nervous system and may induce sleep or lower anxiety levels.

Depressants are most commonly used in pill or injectable liquid form. Some people who abuse depressants report feelings of euphoria and calmness. 

Abusing depressant drugs can be dangerous, as taking too much can be habit-forming or slow the body’s systems down too much. Because of this and many more reasons, it’s important to speak with your doctor and follow their advice when it comes to using depressants.

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Hallucinogens are found naturally but can also be artificially made. This type of drug can alter the individual’s perception of reality and change their mood. Many people report audio or visual hallucinations when taking drugs that belong in this class. Hallucinations are false perceptions of objects or an altered sense of time and space.

There is a lot of variety within this classification of substances. The effects that a person experiences when taking a hallucinogen will most likely be dependent on the substance being used, dosage, and individual mental health and biological factors. 

While there is a substantial amount of information available about hallucinogens, there are also a lot of unanswered questions.

Understanding Cannabis

We’ve already briefly discussed cannabis, but let’s go into some of the details you should be aware of.

If you’ve ever been to a dispensary, then you’re probably aware that there are multiple different types of cannabis. There are three broad categories that cannabis can be separated into sativa, indica, and hybrid strains.

Cannabis strains are individual types of cannabis that have distinctive genetic characteristics. Certain strains will bring about different effects within the body.

New strains are being made daily by cannabis cultivators. Many dispensaries will carry certain strains, so consider doing some research in your area to see if there’s a local dispensary that carries the strain(s) you’re interested in.

When discussing whether cannabis is a hallucinogen, stimulant, or depressant, it’s important to think about strains, as it can be an incredibly important factor in understanding your body’s reaction to this substance. 

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Is Weed a Depressant, Stimulant, or Hallucinogen?

Now it’s time to answer the main question: how can we classify cannabis? Is it a brain-boosting stimulant? Or is it a euphoric-feeling depressant?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a straightforward answer to this question. Many people find that they feel sleepy and calm after taking cannabis, which is an effect often associated with a depressant.

That said, other people experience the opposite effect and cause elevated moods and increased alertness, characteristics often associated with stimulants.

In the past, cannabis has been classified as a hallucinogen. Cannabis contains THC, a chemical that causes most of the psychoactive effects. This means that cannabis can affect mental functioning and motor skills.

When it comes down to it, cannabis can act as a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen. There are a variety of different factors that can impact how someone responds to cannabis, including:

  • Strain. As we’ve mentioned, the strain that you consume can have a major impact on whether you experience depressant, simulant, or hallucinogenic effects from cannabis.

  • Personal biology. Everyone has a different reaction to marijuana. Some people find that they fall asleep easily while under the influence of this substance, while others feel uplifted and alert. Taking your own personal biology into account is essential when it comes to understanding the way you react to cannabis.

  • Other substances. While it’s typically not recommended to use cannabis at the same time as other drugs, it can still happen. If you’re using multiple substances simultaneously, then it can be difficult to predict how your body might react. This can certainly impact whether you experience depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogenic effects.

  • Dosage. If you take high doses of cannabis, then you may be more likely to experience heightened effects. Those who are new to cannabis should consider starting with a small dosage and then working their way up in the future if they don’t experience the desired effects.

If you’re seeking a specific effect from cannabis, it's a good idea to consult with a professional. At Clean Remedies, we offer free one-on-one wellness consult calls with our expert educators to help guide your cannabis journey. We wont give you any unwanted sales pitches, and instead just focus on helping you feel your best.

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Helpful Tips

If you’re new to using cannabis, you may be wondering how you should go about the shopping process. There are a few important things to keep in mind.

Buy From Reputable Brands

One of the most important things to consider is the brands you’re purchasing from. It’s recommended that you purchase cannabis products from reputable brands. Doing this is a great way to make sure that the products you purchase are safe to use.

At Clean Remedies, all of our products undergo rigorous third-party testing to ensure potency and purity. Our CBD and hemp extracts are made with USDA-certified organic hemp, free from harmful residual solvents, microbials, heavy metals, and pesticides.

Always Start With Low Doses

When buying CBD or THC products, you should also think about the dosage that you’re going to start with. As we mentioned previously, it’s a good rule of thumb to start with lower doses and see how your body reacts. You can always take more, but you can't go back if you take too much.

If you don’t experience the effects that you were looking for, then you can gradually increase your dosage in the future.

If you’ve already taken some cannabis and aren’t experiencing the "high" you were hoping for, wait at least two hours before taking more. Taking too much cannabis too fast can produce uncomfortable effects, so it’s always better to play it safe and be cautious.

It’s important to remember that every cannabis use experience can be unique, and it’s not possible to predict the way that you will respond to this substance.

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Wrapping Up

Cannabis can act as a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen. Which of these effects you experience will likely depend on the strain and dosage you consume, as well as other personal factors. If you’re seeking the effects that are associated with one of these substance categories, consider doing some research to learn about specific strains.

Many people find that they react differently to different methods of consumption or strains. Those who are new to using cannabis should proceed with caution and do the amount of research that’s required for their own personal comfort levels.

We hope that this article has been helpful as you learn more about cannabis and the effects it can produce!

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Clean Remedies is a woman-owned, independent family business that uses USDA Certified Organic Hemp Extract to create products that are free from harmful chemicals, cruelty-free, and made in the USA, meant to benefit your well-being and meet our own high standards of efficacy. For CBD facts, product discounts, and more, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

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