Does CBD Oil Make You Sleepy? CBD & Sleep

Does Cbd Make You Sleepy

Are you looking for a new and effective way to catch some more zzz’s each night? Luckily, Mother Nature has supplied us with a few natural remedies that can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Many use cannabidiol, a compound found in hemp, as a natural sleep aid because of its therapeutic and relaxing properties. 

Keep reading, and we’ll dive into everything you need to know about using CBD for sleep. 

Key Takeaways

  • Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, has therapeutic and calming properties that can help promote relaxation
  • Many people take CBD to help with sleep. It can also be used to help manage stress and relieve pain.
  • Always speak with your doctor before making changes to your health routine.

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What Is CBD?

If you've been to a wellness store recently, then you've probably heard about CBD. But what is CBD, and why has it recently become so popular?

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Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the active compounds that's found naturally in the cannabis plant. CBD can be extracted from the cannabis plant and then made into consumable products, such as CBD oil or edibles.

The 2018 Farm Bill paved the way for widespread use of CBD across the country. The 2018 Farm Bill made it so that CBD extracted from hemp is considered federally legal. (Hemp is cannabis that contains less than 0.3% THC by dry weight.) Since then, more people than ever have taken advantage of the many benefits of CBD. There's one important thing to note about CBD: although it can come from the cannabis plant, it will not get you “high.” In order to get the “high” that's commonly associated with cannabis, you'll need to pick a product that has THC in it. Hemp-derived CBD usually contains only trace amounts of THC, if any at all. Though THC and CBD have some similarities, their ability (or inability) to bring about a “high” is one of the most notable differences.

The Potential Benefits of CBD

There are so many different reasons why people love taking CBD. Let's go over some of the top benefits that you can get from CBD. Remember that everyone has a different reaction to CBD and while the following benefits aren't promised, they're commonly reported.

  • Relaxation: Many people find that CBD helps them relax. This is an important benefit for those who want the calmness associated with cannabis without the high that THC edibles can provide. If you need to continue going about your day but want to take a product that can encourage calmness, CBD could be the perfect solution for you.
  • Pain Relief: Did you know that CBD can be extremely effective at reducing pain? From chronic to acute pain, CBD interacts with the body in ways that allow it to not only reduce pain, but target some of the root causes of it. From reducing inflammation to lessening headaches, there are so many different ways that CBD can be used for pain.
  • Stress Relief: Feeling stressed lately? You're not alone! If stress has become a regular part of your daily life, then it may be time for you to explore ways that you can get some relief. Trying CBD can be a natural way to reduce stress and take care of your body, so consider if this health and wellness option could be right for you.
  • Sleep: We'll dive into this one more in a minute, but CBD can be an extremely effective way to get some sleep. From helping you fall asleep to making sure that you get quality sleep, there are so many different ways that CBD could be beneficial for your sleep routine.

CBD and Sleep

Now it's time to discuss the topic we've all been waiting for: CBD and sleep!

If you struggle with sleep, then you understand just how frustrating and impactful that struggle can be. Making sure that you not only get enough sleep but wake up feeling rested can sometimes seem impossible, but the good news is that there's a potential solution... CBD!

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Many people report that CBD is an effective way to improve sleep. From better sleep quality to staying asleep for longer, there are many ways that CBD could positively impact your sleep routine.

But just how exactly does CBD help with sleep?

The body has a biological system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS helps regulate bodily processes like mood, memory, and sleep.  It is believed that CBD works by interacting with the ECS, so it's important to mention the ECS when discussing the benefits of CBD. Because of the interaction CBD has with the endocannabinoid system, it may be able to bring about positive changes in sleep.

Whether you have trouble initially falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting restful sleep, you should consider CBD. It can be a great way to get many benefits without the negative side effects that many pharmaceutical options are associated with.

If you're looking for a natural way to get some more rest, consider a CBD gummy or tincture. These products are known for their effectiveness and work well with the body to induce sleep.

It's important to note that everyone has a different reaction to CBD. Some people find that this compound is extremely effective at providing a good night's sleep, while others find that it's not strong enough to help them fall asleep. 

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Finding the Right Dosage

When it comes to taking CBD, one of the most common questions that people have is what the right dosage is for them.

Many people find that starting with a dose of 5-20mg is effective for them. With that being said, some people may need to take less or more depending on their tolerance, goals, and any previous experiences that they've had with CBD.

Dosage is an incredibly individual thing and it's important to find the right amount for your specific situation. It's typically recommended that you start with a low dose if you're not an experienced CBD user. 

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While taking too much CBD is unlikely to bring about dangerous effects, you may be uncomfortable or have an unpleasant experience if you take an extremely high dose of CBD without any previous experience. 

When speaking about dosage, it's important to think about the method of consumption you'll be using. We love recommending edible CBD products for beginners because they're typically easy to dose. With that being said, tincture options can also be a great way to get quality sleep.

Is CBD the Right Choice for You?

At this point, you're probably wondering whether or not CBD is the right choice for your situation. Let's go over some things to consider that can help you narrow down your options and decide if CBD could be a good way for you to get some restful sleep.

Medications: If you're taking other medications to help you fall asleep, then those are something to consider when starting CBD. It's essential to make sure that there aren't any potential interactions between CBD and any other medications you take. 
While CBD is generally considered to be safe, it's important to use it in a mindful and informed way, which includes thinking about other aspects of your health and wellness routine.
If you are considering taking CBD and are on any medications, consult with your healthcare professional before proceeding. 
Symptom Severity: Those who have an extremely high level of symptoms may not get enough benefits from a low dose of CBD. This may mean that a higher dose of CBD may bring about a good night's sleep, but it could also mean that CBD alone isn't strong enough. 
The reality is that there isn't a way to predict how someone will respond to CBD, so it's not possible to determine ahead of time what dose of CBD will work for you.
Check With Your Doctor: As with all additions to your health and wellness routine, it's important to make sure that you speak with your doctor before taking CBD. Not only can they help you ensure it's safe for you to consume, but they may be able to help you narrow down the reasons why you're having trouble falling asleep or getting poor-quality sleep. 
There may be additional health concerns that need to be addressed in order for you to have an optimal sleep cycle, so make an appointment with your doctor and ask them any questions you have about CBD and your individual health.
Tolerance: If you've found that you naturally have a high tolerance to substances, then you may find that CBD isn't the right choice for you. 
While CBD certainly may make you tired, you may find that you'd need to take a very high dose to get that result. With that being said, you can always start with a low dose and work up if you don't get the effects that you're looking for.

We hope that these considerations have been helpful as you decide if CBD could be the right natural sleep aid for you. As always, don't hesitate to do more research and think about your own individual situation.

Remember that what works well for one person may not be the right choice for another, so it's important to think about your personal situation and your own history with any CBD products.

Product Shopping Recommendations

If you're searching for a product that will help you get some sleep, take a look at the following recommendations for your next shopping trip.

One of the most important things to consider when buying CBD products is that they're from a brand that puts its products through third-party lab testing. This is the best way to be sure that you know what you're actually consuming and that you're choosing a product that will actually help you sleep.

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Another thing to consider is your goals for taking CBD. If you're reading this article, you're probably looking to get better sleep - but are there other benefits you're looking for as well? Having a clear idea of your goals can help you narrow down your options and be sure that you're on the right track.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by all the different CBD products out there, you're not alone. However, we have a few product recommendations that could help you get the good night’s sleep you deserve! Here are a few of our top sellers that will help you unwind and relax.

  • Sleep & Soothe CBD Gummies: These CBD gummies are infused with GABA and L-theanine to create the ultimate “chill pill” and encourage deep and restful sleep.
  • Delta 8 THC Chocolate Dream: This creamy dark chocolate contains natural sleep aids like Delta 8 THC (the cousin of Delta 9 THC), CBD, and valerian root.
  • Full Spectrum CBD Tincture: This must-have CBD tincture is ideal for those who want to make the most of their wellness routine and improve their sleep quality.

Wrapping Up

CBD can be a great way to improve your sleep and meet your health goals. If you're new to CBD, consider starting with a tincture or gummy option, as these are some of the best natural remedies for getting rest.

We hope this guide has been helpful as you learn more about CBD and sleep. Don't hesitate to do your own research to learn more about the many wonderful ways that CBD could help you improve your sleep routine.

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Clean Remedies is a woman-owned, independent family business that uses clean and natural hemp extract to create products that are free from harmful chemicals, cruelty-free, and made in the USA, meant to benefit your well-being and meet our own high standards of efficacy. For CBD facts, product discounts, and more, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

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