Fall in love with CBD

Fall Autumn pumpkin CBD hemp

Some of us look forward to Fall for the crisp weather, colorful scenery, and the start of the festive holiday season. As we all try our best to remain hopeful for the next chapter, there’s no doubt that the moody weather and shorter days can also bring about unpleasant emotions for many of us.

As we head into the season most synonymous with change during a year that has relentlessly challenged our norms, we are reminded once again that change is upon us. We’re not just preparing for it, but we are choosing to embrace it. 

If you are holding onto a lot of stress and anxiety, pay attention to your body’s signals and figure out what you need for yourself. It will look different for everyone, but we can share some guidelines to get you going. 

  1. Find your routine. 

There are many benefits to keeping up a healthy routine. For one, following a routine conditions our body to know when it’s time to work and when it’s time to sleep. Right now, flexible or undefined schedules can take away the structure that helps regulate our circadian rhythm. As we all know, it’s not always convenient to grab a cup of coffee to get you through the mornings (or long days). If you need to get back on track, gummies are an easy way to “grab and go” and could be a great addition for those with hectic morning routines. Clean Remedies’ Energy & Focus CBD Sour Gummies are infused with 10 mg of USDA Certified Organic and Kosher Certified Broad Spectrum (THC Free) Hemp along with caffeine and vitamin B12 to help you energize. 

  1. Take a break. 

Most of us have settled into our quarantine routines by now and the days can be hard to track, especially when there is little separation between work and home life. Add some variety to your day by exploring new interests for at least one hour a day. By dedicating a block of time for yourself, you can allow yourself to focus on one thing at a time, which ultimately results in greater productivity overall. The key is to take time for yourself. Try picking up a book that’s been sitting on your shelf, sketching a comic, tuning in to a new podcast or musical artist, or learning to make a new recipe from scratch. Focusing our attention on a new activity can help shift our minds from restless or obsessive thoughts, and this is how you get to know yourself better over time.

  1. Make short lists. 

While we may have less going on in our social lives, it can feel like a mystery where some of the hours in the day get lost. It’s also easy to push things off as we wish to limit the time we spend in public. Stay organized by writing down or scheduling your tasks, appointments, and grocery lists for each week. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by a long list of to-do’s, so it’s best to keep this short. Which brings us to the next tip. 

  1. Realize your goals.

Life is not meant to stop altogether right now. Our focuses may seem to be determined for us by whatever requires the most energy and attention. It’s important to identify your values and evaluate if your time is indeed well spent. Then, create short-term and long-term plans for what is meaningful to you. This may get you to learn more about investing, host a virtual celebration for a friend, partner or family member, or make a move to another city that reflects where you are and what you want in life. 

  1. Get moving. 

There are many safe ways to get the exercise our bodies need to stay healthy. Always remember that some movement is better than no movement. Even half an hour of light to moderate exercise around 2 to 3 days a week is beneficial. If you don’t have access to a low foot traffic trail, there are plenty of fun workout videos online to follow along with. Find a good time in your day for your workout so you can clear your mind. If you experience muscle stiffness, body aches or normal joint discomfort, our CBD Body & Massage Oil delivers soothing botanical oils and the hemp extract penetrates deeply into sore muscles.

  1. Nourish your body. 

Our diets have a much greater impact on our energy levels and moods than most of us realize. It’s a good idea to load your plate with more leafy vegetables and limit consumption of processed foods. When it comes to CBD oil, be just as conscious about your choices. Clean Remedies uses 100% USDA Certified Organic and Certified Kosher Hemp Extract, grown naturally on US farms. Our wellness tinctures are a natural and easy way to deliver the therapeutic benefits of CBD extract. Customers love our 900mg CBD Oil, available in citrus, natural, and peppermint flavors. Give it a try orally or topically as needed. 

  1. Sleep is always important. 

Getting quality sleep is essential to performing optimally throughout the day. It is during this time the body restores many systems that regulate our physical and cognitive health. Help your body wind down at least one hour before bedtime each night by swapping your screen time for reading or journaling with some soft music playing in the background. If you’re looking for a natural sleep supplement to try, our Sleep & Soothe Gummies are infused with 20 mg of USDA Certified Organic and Kosher Certified Full Spectrum Hemp Extract along with Pharma Gaba and L-Theanine to promote a restful night. 

  1. Stay connected. 

Build on your relationships by sharing both the joyful and challenging experiences in life. Being open and honest in your conversations often brings people closer together as we find that what we’re going through is common, normal, and relatable. Stay connected to your loved ones by checking in often, sending them sweet messages or thoughtful gifts to show support, and dedicating time to enjoy activities together (while practicing safe distancing of course). Stay connected to yourself by practicing self-care, creating a calm space to process your thoughts, and taking care of your body daily. 

We hope these tips help you on your wellness journey so you can better navigate unpredictable days and appreciate the beauty that fall brings. 

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